Membership costs $250 + GST per annum. Please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you an invoice.


Takanini Business Associaiton [TBA] is an incorporated society that has been established since 2017. TBA’s incorporated society number is 2666951. The business association exists to providse a collective voice fopr the good of Takanini.

Our goals are to address the need for a safer local community, promote Takanini as the place for everything that people may want, and advocate on behalf of the local businesses on topical issues.

We do this through:


Regular networking events hosting informative guest speakers and opportunities for members to promote their services to associated businesses.


Joint marketing initiatives and community events targeted at local and regional customers to provide collective promotion and increase local business activity.

Regular newsletters covering local updates, advice and opportunities for members to advertise their business.

Build a new website dedicated to “Takanini” with content to target local customers and with a built-in business directory to promote your business. (This is an opportunity for small businesses to have a powerful digital presence).


Effective solutions for individual or community crime prevention, safety and security, including future plans to implement additional security cameras, automatic number plate recognition cameras and security patrols.


A representative voice on behalf of local businesses to communicate with local government authorities (ie. Auckland Council, Papakura Local Board, local Police, Auckland Transport and the wider community), source funding and grants and provide informative updates about local activity.

A Business Development Manager is employed to implement initiatives, communicating with all businesses, coordinating activities and stimulating growth in Takanini.